Virtual CPA Exam Study Sessions
Multiple Dates to Choose from!
The Lady CPA Network is hosting CPA Exam Tutor Sessions with Sabine Charles (+CPA tutor experts) in October - December! Pass the CPA Exam with confidence and get all of your questions answered. There are multiple dates to choose from! Register Here: https://tapainstitute.as.me/LadyCPAStudySessions

Time & Location
Multiple Dates to Choose from!
About the Event
New CPA Exam Study Sessions! (Recurring Each Week!)
Join Sabine Charles | TAPA Institute (and other certified tutors)on zoom!
All sections of the CPA exam will be reviewed, and the burning questions you have about the exam will be answered.
Don't miss out on this great upcoming opportunity!
Register Here: https://tapainstitute.as.me/LadyCPAStudySessions
**Registration is on the TAPA Institute website [Link Above] Multiple Dates for each section!
Date: October - Decemeber *** Recurring Weekly
Location: Zoom (Virtual)
Teacher: Sabine Charles (+ CPA Tutors)
Cost: $ 24.95 (per hour)**